Breaking News
Saturday 15 December 2012

Info Post
Prevention is the main business in order to eradicate the disease rather than treatment. Sebabkandang who have been exposed to an infectious disease would be very detrimental to farmers. So as a security measure necessary to control business with the pencegahan.Pencegahan against an infectious disease could be carried out in three forms, namely: Isolation, sanitation and vaccination, deworming, and coccidiostat and antibiotic administration.

Isolation, chick starter phase is very sensitive to infections then in preparation, Indukkan or brooder should be placed far apart with large chickens to reduce disease transmission. If kept in a curse wears chickens grown, then the place to be completely contrived clean with carefully disinfected. Cage left empty while, about 21 days later given a new litter clean and dry. Vaccination with an active vaccine, this includes measures to isolate the chicks from diseases.

Sanitation, before the first chicks dating all the equipment inside the cage should be cleaned and disinfected with the intention that the place is free from germs. Especially if the place had been used by the chickens are never exposed to the plague.

With regard to sanitation that need attention, especially cages, equipment and environment. The implementation by keeping the environment always clean. Doing pemyemprotan with disinfectant at least twice a week. Place food and drink should be washed every day. Wet litter replaced and quickly replaced.

Vaccination needs to be done breeders are ND, IBD, IB, AI and Marek, s. Especially for vaccination marek, s usually done by a breeder or breeding companies. The vaccination program could follow the procedures provided by each of the vaccine products.

Deworming medication or worm which first performed at the time of chickens reach the age of 4-6 weeks, then repeated 1 or 3 months. The worm medication that can be given is the piperazine powder among others.

Until now the disease coccidiosis is one of a very malignant disease or the most common, there are at least eight types of coccidian that can strike in chickens. This Coccidia thrive in wet or damp litter. Emacam in a bad state, it could not resist the growth coccidiostat coccidian. Therefore coccidiosis can suddenly become epidemic.

Therefore, the prevention and eradication of the disease coccidiosis is necessary to have a separate program. Because these diseases need to have a separate program. Because this disease is a very common problem suffered by chickens was less than 2.5 months. Chicks aged over 10 minggiu usually strong against coccidiosis infection.

In certain phases of chicks should also be given antibiotics in the form of feed supplement. Giving antibiotics is intended to prevent infection, stimulate or enhance growth and avoid stress


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